Senate Marinated Salad

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Cook Time
Ready In

"From Senate dining room or old senator. This is an old recipe probably from the 1960s from can measurement size. You may need to add another can of peas. Every one and their dog used Le Sueur peas back then for everything. They have an interesting web page. This needs overnight chilling."

Original is 8 servings


  • Serving Size: 1 (164 g)
  • Calories 357.6
  • Total Fat - 27.8 g
  • Saturated Fat - 2.1 g
  • Cholesterol - 0 mg
  • Sodium - 335 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate - 26.9 g
  • Dietary Fiber - 1.8 g
  • Sugars - 20.7 g
  • Protein - 2.3 g
  • Calcium - 29.2 mg
  • Iron - 1.2 mg
  • Vitamin C - 33 mg
  • Thiamin - 0 mg

Step by Step Method

Step 1

Combine vegetables and toss lightly.

Step 2

Combine oil, vinegar and sugar.

Step 3

Mix and pour over vegetables toss lightly.

Step 4

Stir in salt and pepper to taste.

Step 5

Chill overnight.


No special items needed.

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