I am not going to bore you with a bunch of details right off the bat. I am going to get to the point. Mixing shrimp and pasta together is a fantastic idea that taste really great! Well, at least in my humble opinion! My daughter has a different take on this.
"Yuck, what are these doing in here?"
Well, I have to admit. She does have a good point. What are shrimp doing in the pasta? Surely they don't belong. Right? Yes, right. Unless they are made this way. With chicken broth.
"What? Chicken Broth you say."
It actually makes for a great sauce with the basil, mushrooms, bell peppers, and of course garlic. Trust me, this is not for everyone, but for my taste buds, it is awesome!
What is a good review of a recipe without being entirely honest though? Not much. So, with that said, here it is. I can't have this every night. But who would want the same meal over and over again? For those of us who do have choice, this recipe certainly can't be served twice in a row. Leftovers?
Blah. Not for me.
Speaking of shrimp, I am reminded of the line in the movie: Forest Gump, when Bubba goes through a rambling charade of all the different kinds of shrimp under the sun. Remember them? Something like:
 Tossed shrimp
Toasted shrimp
Battered shrimp
Long tail shrimp
and the list goes on
Not sure about the toasted shrimp though. I think I made that up :)
Anyway, the author of this recipe, our beloved member Derf (RIP) Forever In Our Kitchen said it well:Â "I made the mistake of using large prawns, tail on, which was a pain and messy to eat, but they just don't get anymore delicious than these!!"
Here's another photo I took with some homemade bread oil dip.
If you want a great tasting one off meal with a loaf of French Bread to boot, give this one a try. You just may be surprised.
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Christy Bagasao
My son just announced this week that he loves shrimp, so I think I will have to give this a try. I will have to leave the cornstarch out because one of our kids has an allergy--blah. Still, it looks excellent!
What?! Not a leftover man? That's okay--I'll have your share. :)
Thanks Christy! You should be able to try potato flour as an alternative to cornstarch. Be sure to sprinkle in while whisking because potato flour does seem to bunch or lump up more than cornstarch.
Wow, the sauce looks amazing! I love shrimp on everything, so I guess I have to agree with Bubba!
I am not really a pasta fan, but I find that combining it with the right ingredients makes it savory. I'm sure that's where the chicken broth comes in. And fresh seasonings always work best.
Hi Andrea. Good to see you stop by! Pasta is not everyone's favorite, but with the right recipe it just may surprise :) I agree with the fresh seasonings.
I absolutely love the shrimp and pasta flavor combo & this recipe looks incredible!
I would also like to give this recipe a shot with fresh scallops tossed into the mix with the shrimp as well.
I believe THAT would be to die for!
Awesome recipe!
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Christy Bagasao
What?! Not a leftover man? That's okay--I'll have your share. :)
Thanks for another great recipe!
Wayne Peters
Glad you love the recipe!
Andrea Robinson
I am not really a pasta fan, but I find that combining it with the right ingredients makes it savory. I'm sure that's where the chicken broth comes in. And fresh seasonings always work best.
Wayne Peters
Ann Abbitz
I would also like to give this recipe a shot with fresh scallops tossed into the mix with the shrimp as well.
I believe THAT would be to die for!
Awesome recipe!
Wayne Peters