My Profile Questions


My Friends - How to add a friend

  • Go to the member's profile whom you want to add as a friend
  • On the menu bar above the profile click Add as a Friend
  • Your friend is added to your My Friends widget on your profile and will be displayed with an clock icon
  • The other member will then receive a notice to approve or deny your friend request
  • Once the member you have requested to be a friend with approves your friend request, the clock icon will be removed
  • To remove the member from your My Friends list, simply click the blue X next to the member's photo in your friends list

My Photos
You can view your photos on your profile page in you My Photos widget. You can sort your contributed photos by your own recipes or photos that you submitted on other member's recipes.



My Recipes
Yes. This is automatic. In order to end a session you must log out of your account. Simply closing your browser does not end the session for you.




Zazz Mail - Private Messaging

RecipeZazz private messaging system is a really great feature that allows members to communicate with each other.

There are several ways to connect with a member through private message. They include:

  • Hover over the Profile link at the top right of and select New Private Message
  • Click on a member's name in the forum, and click Contact Member
  • On a member's recipe, click Contact Member

To manage your private messages, simply go to your ZazzMail in your profile where you can view and search inbox and messages that you have sent.


Be sure to click on the Full Screen icon on the video to view the tutorial in full screen.



My Shopping Lists
You can add a recipe's ingredients to your shopping lists directly from the recipe's page or from the Quick View on any recipe list. You can group your lists by either individual recipe or by total items.


My Recipebooks
Recipebooks are used to store a selection of recipes for easy retrieval. You can make a recipebook private or public. All recipebooks have to be approved by moderation to ensure proper structure and appropriate content for public viewing. To delete a recipebook, simply click the blue X on the right side of your recipebook in your profile page.


My Menus
Menus are a selection of recipes for a meal. You can create menus on your profile page under My Menus or at the top of the site - hover over Profile and select Add Your New Menu.